Campione dell'Innovazione 4.0
the champion of innovation 4.0
The Champion of Innovation 4.0 project, carried out in 2018 and 2019, involved the development and dissemination of a questionnaire, filled out by companies in Ticino to gather information on economic activities with respect to the fourth industrial revolution. It culminated with two public events at the LAC in Lugano in which the results of the survey were discussed and the organizations that most distinguished themselves in their field received a prize.
The objectives of the project were mainly threefold. First and foremost, the intent was to map the internal practices of firms in Ticino, analyzing them and their readiness towards the issues of the fourth industrial revolution. Indeed, only by investigating the state of Ticino's economy - and with it the degree to which individual economic actors are adapting and willing to change - can conclusions be drawn and discussions for effective and sustainable growth be initiated.
Secondly, thanks to the information gathered, it was intended to bring out the companies that excel in the categories under consideration. In this way, it is possible not only to highlight best practices in each sector but also to reward those who stand out positively, organizations that often represent true pioneers in the early adoption of innovative processes. The hope is that all of Ticino's economy can follow these laudable examples, acting proactively and making itself a protagonist of the fourth industrial revolution.
Finally, the ultimate goal was to initiate a discourse on the expectations, opportunities, and challenges brought by the upcoming changes. They develop not solely in the economic or technological sphere, but above all from a social perspective. Questioning how the individual relates to his or her work dimension is indeed fundamental to stimulating reflection and awareness regarding the issues of the fourth industrial revolution. A step as necessary as ever to support the economy, society, and institutions in embracing change.
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